NO-RISK 27-Point Network Audit For Problem Prevention
Constantly dealing with downtime due to broken computers? A FREE 27-Point Network Audit from CanWeb will allow us to pinpoint the weak spots in your network.
“Why do I seem to have the worst luck with technology?” Do thoughts like this ever cross your mind? If so, our experts can help, with cost-effective solutions you can count on. As a potential client, CanWeb would like to offer you our FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Audit to:
- Review your server logs to uncover developing problems and conflicts that will turn into unexpected downtime.
- Look for hidden viruses, spyware, and loopholes in your network security that could allow hackers and viruses to compromise your network and confidential information.
- Verify the integrity of your data backups. (Note: Tape backups have a 78% failure rate; don’t wait for a crisis to hit before you discover yours weren’t working!)
- Diagnose any ongoing problems or concerns you are currently experiencing with your network.
- Answer your questions about upgrades, adding new equipment, remote access, or any other project you have in mind.

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Free Network Audit
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